God bless you !
Thanks to your prayers and financial support, a TORCH, a SPEAR of REPENTANCE is now
moving in Africa like a spiritual prairie fire. This is confirmation of a prophetic word
received in Australia in March, 2019:
” While praying I saw God pick you up like a spear, the spear was on fire. God threw you
to the nations and wherever you landed the fire of repentance touched hearts and
nations. It was thrown with great speed and I got the sense there are other “spears”
thrown also by God.”
Are you an ” other spear” also? Your own testimony to others how repentance is
producing new Holy Spirit Fruit in you makes you a witness to His Gift of Repentance:
you’re now a “spear!” Luke 24:47.
Join us ! This month of giving we’re praying for three thousand dollars, month one of a
2023 budget of three thousand dollars per month to cover minimum costs and for gifts to
repentance projects globally. With almost half this month gone we’ve only received less
than a thousand dollars towards this three thousand goal.
Are you a “spear?” Are you in a position to give, whatever the amount?
Ps Jeff Daly was interviewed recently by Marina Maria, founder of Global Gospel Worship Radio: globalgospelworshipradio.org as part of Faith City Outreach
Below are the recordings of both Parts 1 & 2 of this interview.

You can watch the Program “Gift of Repentance” on KQSL – Saturdays at 9:30 AM in Northern California or online at www.kqsl.org.
Title: God’s Redemptive Plan for each individual. This is Part 2 of the interview with Pomo leader Yeshelle Sparks.
Also included is another Powerful testimony of Tatiana from Ukraine on how her life changed drastically after she met Jesus and learned to forgive.
Watch more messages from Ps Jeff regarding Repentance on The National Day of Repentance YouTube channel
Elizabeth giving her testimony about her life, how God has saved her life after hearing the word
Pastor Jeff shares a Word for today.
Once each week, on Sunday mornings and for 24 hours, join with others in OPERATION RESTORATION . . .
This initiative is based upon the Move of the Spirit that was launched during Operation Refiner’s Fire. The LORD has shown us that He has used those fires in California to ignite the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT to visit our people, which He now yearns to keep burning among our people until the day of His return!
This is a weekly Solemn Assembly, where saints can feel free to gather each Sunday, to offer prayers of repentance before our Lord, for the many sins our nation has committed before Him.
Join us, any Sunday, during any one of the 24 hours, beginning at 9:00 a.m. EST by calling:
Access Code: 150411#
Click here for more info about this Operation Refiner’s Fire.
Repentance is a gift from God, to all persons and to all nations. National Day of Repentance seeks to awaken the Body of Christ in all His nations through the power, including the freedom and the joy, of His gift of repentance.
Repentance is essential to enter Jesus’ Kingdom, to cleanse as a member of His Bride for His soon return, and to claim His promise to heal His land.
Jesus’ first Word when He came out of the wilderness victorious was: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17).
Repentance thereafter is essential as a spiritual discipline to remove old sin patterns and to choose His way of purity. Thus the Risen Christ tells us: “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.” (Revelation 3:19). He stands at the door of our hearts and minds to “dine” with each of us to help us become overcomers of our old sin nature, to sit in heaven with Him. (Revelation 3:20-21).
Repentance also is essential for any nation to be healed. The Lord tells us: “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:13-14) (emphasis added).
Each year on the holy Day of Atonement we encourage all believers in Christ Jesus/ Yeshua to take time with the Lord, privately or in a church service, to repent, to “afflict one’s soul”(Leviticus 23:27). We also support national days of repentance in various nations as the Holy Spirit moves on His servants in that nation to confront and defeat local wickedness, invoking God’s solution through repentance.
Please sign up to receive our newsletters! Enjoy our resources on repentance! Consider calling forth a day of repentance in your State or Nation. We will support you, calling on our 3,500 intercessors in 30 nations to join you in prayer and repentance.
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