Olly, Olly, Oxen Free!
~Childhood game catchphrase

Remember those carefree days of innocent childhood?  Nobody questioned the seemingly nonsensical rules for “Kick the Can” or “Hide and Seek.”  We just simply accepted that you had to abide by certain precepts and repeat specific sayings in order to properly play the game.  When someone chanted “Olly, Olly, Oxen-Free!” you knew it was safe to come out into the open without getting tagged.  If you failed to follow the rules you were called OUT!
In religious terms, the word ecstasy has an interesting meaning.  “EK”, in Greek means: “to come out from, being called out.”  “Stasy” has the root of “Stasis” meaning, “standing, stopping, remaining status quo”.  It is where we get words like homeostasis (maintaining equilibrium, standing still) or static (showing little or no change).  So, if we put these two Greek root meanings together we get a meaning like: 


When Jesus was preaching his amazing revelations and insights, his family came to “lay hands on him” or “take a hold” of him because they said he was “out of his mind.”


When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”

~Mark 3:21

The Greek word here for “out of his mind” is eks-ē’-stā-mē. 
Like Jesus, if you are experiencing a true revelation from God you are literally “out of your mind!”  You become “in the mind” of God, not your own.  The Catholic Church refers to the passionate state of believers experiencing a vision as having a “religious ecstasy.”   
So, similar to the childhood game…”Ecstatic” Christians need to start “calling out” people from their static unchanging positions.  Come out from the unchanging, lukewarm-ness of your compromised lifestyle!  Take a stand—show yourself.   For the apathetic Church, this means it is high time to make a public break from the apostasy.    
Interestingly, the gay movement uses terminology of “coming out.”  It is no coincidence, that at the same time, Christians are being required to “get in the closet and shut up.”  We are being marginalized and shamed with the new human secularist “make-believe” sins of homophobia and intolerance.  Apparently, Human Secularism has turned out to be an alternate new religion after all with its own set of transgressions and commandments.  Who knew?  
In a recent interoffice memo at the Department of Justice, employees were informed that they are required to AFFIRM homosexuality.  Neutrality is no longer an option.  Come out, Come out says the government!  How is this possible for sincere Christians? 
In the Military, the commandments have flipped over to DO ASK and DO TELL if you are gay.  However, if you are a committed Christian, DON’T ASK and DON’T TELL!  Oppose this decree and you risk being court-martialed.  Does anyone besides me find this ironic?
Innkeepers, Photographers, Bakers and “Candlestick-makers” are being sued all across the country for refusing to compromise their religious beliefs.  One by one they are being “called out.”  If they comply…they may get a temporary “olly, olly oxen-free” pass from the government.  However, it may not be truly safe. 
Playing it safe or…”going along to get along” may buy you some friends and time in the natural realm, but in the spiritual realm you will be dealt with harshly.
Plainly and simply:  If you deny Christ…He will deny you.
Jesus/Yeshua said: 
But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.

~Matthew 10:33

10=Man’s Government/Testimony


It’s as if Jesus is saying:  “Deny me in front of your government with your testimony, and I promise you, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven.”
Interestingly, just a few verses prior to this one Jesus said:
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

~Matthew 10:28

In Revelation, God tells His Church…Come out from her (Mother of Abominations/Whore of Babylon) lest ye share in her punishment. 
Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, “Come out of her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her.”

~Revelation 18:4

We need to take this warning to heart.  As supporters of our Judeo-Christian beliefs, we need to make a public stand against sin and apostasy.  We need to “call out” government and church leaders that have gone astray.  We can’t just continue to be silent or wishy-washy about our convictions hoping we will maintain the “homeostasis” of our lifestyle.  Soon, the harsher door knocks will begin and the “Nazi Gestapo” will be at your front door.  Next week it may be your profession or religious beliefs that are under fire.  Comply or die.  The authorities will begin to DEMAND that all those hiding need to COME OUT.  You will NOT escape by trying to stay hidden…you will be found.  The question is by whom?  Will the government find you cowering in your workplace first or will it be Jesus/Yeshua that finds you hiding behind a bush?  I’d rather that when Jesus calls “olly, olly oxen-free” He finds me out in the open so I’m not tagged out.  
Ready or not…   
 Here He comes
Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

~Isaiah 29:15

Come out, come out, thou bloody man

~2 Samuel 16:7


O Lord, according to your Word, we enter your courts with Thanksgiving and Praise. 

Most High God, Master and Creator of the Universe, we humbly bow before you and worship you with all of our heart, soul and mind.  Like Jesus instructed us, we start this prayer out with Thanksgiving—deeply grateful and thankful that you DO, indeed, hear the prayers of your children.  We reverence You with awe and wonderment as we try to fully grasp this fact. What is man that you are mindful of him?  We are but fallible “lumps of clay” and yet we are invited into the most Holy of Holies to commune with you.  Like Esther, we are welcomed in even when un-summoned by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  We are free to enter your chambers like favored children to a Father.  This is almost too wondrous to take hold of.  When we get a complete divine revelation on this promise, then we will truly understand this scripture:
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

~James 5:16

We acknowledge the incredible right and privilege you have given us to walk directly into the Presence of the most Powerful and Effective force in the Universe and BOLDLY ask for assistance.
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

~Hebrews 4:16

We pray for courage to COME OUT from the apostasy all around us.  We rely on your Divine assistance and protection during these globally tumultuous times. Help us to be fully ready for Your return and not to be caught unaware like a wicked servant.
We pray this prayer with great expectancy, looking upwards for our ultimate Salvation when you will return to set things right forever and ever.  Amen.   
~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeff Daly