By James Wilson


Americans have been horrified by the new depths of butchery and depravity – at the hands of Planned Parenthood – revealed in the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress. At this writing four of them have been revealed and at least half a dozen more are on the way. The most recent release was in defiance of a California judge’s order forbidding it. CMP knows it is both illegal and unconstitutional to suppress speech in America before it has been spoken. Instead of wringing their hands or depending on the uncertain future of an appeal they invoked the doctrine of prior restraint with their own hands. Their exercise of their constitutional rights without awaiting the permission of a contemptible judge dares that judge to hold them in contempt. Yeah!


But what is on those videos should be of far greater concern to decent people – regardless of their belief. It begins with Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical research, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, pricing human baby body parts. She was crass enough to demand enough to support purchasing a luxury car. She is a medical doctor who takes an oath to “do no harm” practicing medicine. Does she think it harmless to harvest human hearts or livers for research once the human has been killed?


PP head Cecile Richards apologized for the uncompassionate tone displayed by Nucatola. Richards went on to complain the video was heavily edited even though the unedited three-hour vision was posted on the same site at the same time. She decried the secretive recording even though nobody complained that Mitt Romney’s remarks about the “47% who don’t pay income taxes” were secretly recorded. (Romney is not pro-abortion.) But to turn the old rhetorical dodge on its head, it is not the way she said it, Ms Richards; it is what she said…and what she admits she does.


A second video featured another PP doctor describing a “less crunchy” method of aborting babies so as to protect the integrity of the organs to be harvested. This one even admits to postponing the abortion as long as possible in order to facilitate greater development of the organs in question. Kristen Powers quotes her colleague, Michael Wear, “It should bother us as a nation that we have use for aborted human organs but not the baby that provides them.”


It should bother us even more – if that be possible – that these butchers receive half a billion taxpayer dollars each year – and that is from the feds alone. Since the revelations contained in the videos three states – of fifty – have defunded Planned Parenthood. At least three criminal investigations are underway into state and federal laws broken by the trafficking of human body parts. Meanwhile the US Senate failed to agree with the House on a resolution to defund the behemoth at the federal level although a majority of senators voted aye. It is an irony of senate rules – at best – that it takes a larger majority to bring a measure to a vote than to merely pass it once brought to a vote.


Planned Parenthood has been exposed as the monster it is more times than I can count on my fingers. Counselors have been filmed advising human traffickers how to obtain abortions for underage girls and avoid prosecution; avoiding charges for rape and other kinds of violence have been exposed. The reality that two thirds of PP clinics are located in black neighborhoods coupled with founder Margaret Sanger’s well known views on eugenics and a society free of minority members is on the record. None of these revelations have generated sufficient outrage to bring PP down. Is it time at long last for consequences?


One thing is clear. Once again there is no such thing as a victimless crime. We delude ourselves that abortion – like prostitution – is a voluntary act and so of no real harm. We pretend the baby is not human like we pretend the prostitute is not coerced by her handlers. Reality is when we break a natural yet God-given law – like thou shalt do no murder – there are always consequences and there are always more victims and more broken covenants just down the road. We Americans were placed into history by a God of blessing and not of cursing. We can – led by the Body of Christ – right a wrong foisted on us by a rogue Supreme Court in 1973. That is a blessing from God Himself. Or we can push our heads down a bit further into the sand. But if we do we curse ourselves with the sand choking us from within our own mouths.


James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at