This message is from a dear sister in Australia: 

I have had a strong sense all along that one of the problems that Christians still tend to leave references to God’s Word out of their arguments against abortion and same-sex marriage.  We express many “educated opinions” about children’s pain, the importance of family, “tradition”,  and other “human logic” reasons based on science and psychology, but we rarely argue as Christians ought: by standing in the authority of Jesus Christ and on the only absolute Truth of God’s Word.  
Romans 10 is so relevant here.  “Brethren, with all my heart’s desire and goodwill for Israel, I long and pray to God that they may be saved.  I bear them witness that they have a certain zeal and enthusiasm for God, but it is not enlightened and according to knowledge.  For being ignorant of the righteousness that God ascribes and seeking to establish a righteousness of their own, they did not obey or submit themselves to God’s righteousness (vs 1-3)….they have not all heeded the Gospel; for Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?  For faith comes by hearing (the message), and hearing through the Word of Christ.” (vs 17).
There is really only one reason why we should reject homosexual marriage.  And that is because, “God says!”  .
Jer 11: 3:  “Say to them, “Thus sayeth the Lord.” “
If we were willing to humble ourselves before God and man, we would be saying this.
We are admonished in Mark 8:38 not to be ashamed of Jesus and His words: “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels”.  I believe the Lord is wanting to convict me, and dare I say all nations, that it is time to let our faith “shine forth as the sun” and to begin to publically speak – TESTIFY and DECREE – the Truth of God’s Word in the name of Jesus Christ.   I can see that some Christians (as a cultural group) generally still carry an immature and cavalier “convict mentality” of being afraid to be seen to say and do what is Very Good and Christian.  In our prideful mentality, most will cringe visibly when the names of God and Jesus are spoken in a serious context.  And we shun being told “the right thing” to do by an authority figure – unless, of course, it’s a famous sports figure!
Sadly, even as Christians, we are ashamed to publically speak the name or words of Jesus Christ and we are ashamed to publically testify to the absolute Truth of God’s Word and to the absolute Sovereignty of God the Trinity.  We Christians too often rationalize (ie. rely on a lie or “ration-lies”) our reliance on human argument by saying that we will “put people off” if we are “too religious!”   It’s almost like we think the distance between people (in their sin) and God (in His Purity) is “too far a leap” for the average sinner – so rather than speaking about the Word of God directly we spend a lot of time ‘being nice’ and doing good deeds – but rarely ever stand in the authority of Jesus and pray or speak His Truth directly.  And so we permit ourselves to leave God out of the picture, believing instead in our own powers of persuasion (nice, intelligent words) or manipulation (kind acts) ….. And yet we must surely know that not a single soul – let alone a nation of souls – can be saved by human logic.
1 Peter 1: 23:  “You have been regenerated, not from a mortal origin, but from one that is immortal by the ever living and lasting Word Of God.
Our rationalizations ‘justify’ our betrayal of our first love (Rev 2: 4) and our ‘tolerance of’ (and silence about) Jezebel (Rev 2:20).  We “are supposed to be alive, but in reality we are dead” (Rev 3:1), so that “what remains is on the verge of dying” (Rev 3: 2), and we have failed to keep God’s Word as we were instructed to do.  We need to willingly enter the Refiner’s fire (ie. walk obediently and by faith in the refining fire of God’s Word alone, as symbolized by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; this is the only way to ‘shut the mouths of the lions’!!) so that we can ‘truly be wealthy, and receive white clothes to cover our nakedness and salve to put on our eyes so  we can see” (Rev 3: 18).   Zech 2: 5, “For I, says the Lord, will be to her a wall of fire round about, and I will be the glory of the midst of her”.
(I had a little revelation yesterday about Jesus using his saliva mixed with mud to heal the blind man…I realized that even Jesus’ saliva – something we would normally expect to be germ-ridden – was so pure. Plus of course His mouth is the Source of His words and of all Truth and Life.  And even mixed with the filthiest dirt, it was sufficient to heal and overcome blindness.  I felt it was a picture of the absolute purity of Christ overcoming the deepest darkness and sin of man.)
I believe that unless Christians begin to TESTIFY to their own personal belief in the AUTHORITY and ABSOLUTE TRUTH of God’s Word, and of the consequences of NOT FOLLOWING GOD’S STANDARDS, we will not see a Holy Ghost breakthrough in this land.   The supernatural Power and Authority of Jesus Christ can only be released by speaking and hearing The Word. (Rev 3: 20).  And “the Word of the Lord (divine instruction, the Gospel) endures forever”. ( 1 Peter 1: 25).  Our nation will not be saved through human arguments.  We must go BACK TO BASICS ie. speaking the Truth, according to and in the authority of God’s Word (and not by our own opinions or in our own authority or power as a human being or organization).   This is because God’s Word alone is sufficient!  We are wasting our time and energy using any other means, plus putting ourselves (and our nation) in peril.
Jeremiah 23: 29: “Is not My word like fire (that consumes all that cannot endure the test)? Says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock (of most stubborn resistance)?    
We must understand and respond as if this is a SPIRITUAL WAR, not merely an intellectual or even a moral war between men.  The battle is between the supernatural powers of God and His enemy, Satan.  We, as Christians, are commissioned to “armour up” and raise the Sword of God’s Word.  No human methods, no intellectual argument, no philosophical logic or any form of human will, intellect, charm, power or force will win the battle.  These demonic giants will only fall by the supernatural power of our Sovereign God.  David didn’t slay the giant because he was great at using a slingshot!  The giant was defeated by the supernatural intervention and power of Almighty God, which was activated by David’s testimony, public decree, prayer and faith in God and His Word.   
We must also understand, as a Church and as a nation, that this battle is not about the single, moral issue being represented at surface level in that law.  This battle is about SAVING THE NATION
We must ask: “Can a nation be saved in a day?”  Yes, it can! But ONLY BY STANDING IN THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS and UNLEASHING THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT by humbling ourselves before God, repenting of our sin and turning away from it, and zealously wielding the Sword of God in the name of Yeshua Messiah.  The Word of God is what illuminates His Church, separating it from the darkness of the world.  The Light of Christ  is released when the oil (Holy Spirit) within Scripture (symbolized by leaves on the olive tree) is ‘crushed’ (chewed or meditated upon) and released (by speaking it with our mouths).  If we do not speak the Word of God then we remain in darkness and the world cannot see the error of it’s ways.
In Revelation 1: 13 we read of the Lord appearing amidst the light of the seven Lampstands, which are the churches.  But He gives warning to each church that their lampstand will be removed if they do not obey by adhering fully to the Word of God.  In Zechariah we read another reference to the power of the lampstand as coming from the oil of God’s Word.
Zechariah 4: 2 -7 , 10:  So the angel who was speaking with me answered and said to me, “Do you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord.” Then he said to me, “This (addition of the bowl to the candlestick, causing it to yield a ceaseless supply of oil from the olive trees (whose leaves are like the scriptures) to the lampstand) is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts. For who are you, O great mountain (of human obstacles)?  Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain (a mere molehill)!  And he will bring forth the finishing gable stone of the new Temple with loud shoutings of the people, crying “Grace, grace to it!….These seven (churches) shall rejoice when they see the plummet (God’s Standard – mine) in the hand of Zerubbabel”.
Love and blessings in our Wonderful Yeshua, Who is LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS, NOW AND FOREVERMORE!
 ~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey Daly
Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration
–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:
or by emailing him at